spathiphyllum clevelandii

INR. 105.00

All Peace Lily plants are members of the genus Spathiphyllum.  Many of us commonly grow a Peace Lily in our Peace Lily inflorescence, Spathiphyllum, Photo Copyright 2010 Steve Lucas, www.ExoticRainforest.comhomes and regardless of the hybrid or species you grow the majority originated when collectors went to South America in the 1800’s seeking new and interesting “house plants” for European growers.  Although there are quite a few species, only a few have been grown from the few species that originated in Asia.  All Spathiphyllum species, as well as all the hundreds of hybrids and cultivars are members of the larger plant family known as Araceae, commonly called an aroid.  Aroids are easily recognized by the spathe and spadix  produced by these plants that is incorrectly called a flower.

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All Peace Lily plants are members of the genus Spathiphyllum.  Many of us commonly grow a Peace Lily in our Peace Lily inflorescence, Spathiphyllum, Photo Copyright 2010 Steve Lucas, www.ExoticRainforest.comhomes and regardless of the hybrid or species you grow the majority originated when collectors went to South America in the 1800’s seeking new and interesting “house plants” for European growers.  Although there are quite a few species, only a few have been grown from the few species that originated in Asia.  All Spathiphyllum species, as well as all the hundreds of hybrids and cultivars are members of the larger plant family known as Araceae, commonly called an aroid.  Aroids are easily recognized by the spathe and spadix  produced by these plants that is incorrectly called a flower.

1 review for Sit voluptatem

  • admin - November 22, 2016

    Good Product