Alocasia Cupera

INR. 105.00

Alocasia cuprea comes in several varieties or cultivars; the “type specimen”, as it were, is the type with the pronounced coppery leaves. Another variety is almost devoid of the coppery color and has fewer main veins per leaf, but holds many more leaves at a time per plant. I have both of these and they are easily distinguishable. The one with the coppery leaves has inflorescences consisting of wine-red spathes and creamy white spadices, while the other, greener, type has inflorescences with green spathes and creamy white spadices. One particularly desirable type has leaves of such deep red as to be almost black, but I’ve never seen this particular variety offered for sale.

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Alocasia cuprea comes in several varieties or cultivars; the “type specimen”, as it were, is the type with the pronounced coppery leaves. Another variety is almost devoid of the coppery color and has fewer main veins per leaf, but holds many more leaves at a time per plant. I have both of these and they are easily distinguishable. The one with the coppery leaves has inflorescences consisting of wine-red spathes and creamy white spadices, while the other, greener, type has inflorescences with green spathes and creamy white spadices. One particularly desirable type has leaves of such deep red as to be almost black, but I’ve never seen this particular variety offered for sale.

1 review for Sit voluptatem

  • admin - November 22, 2016

    Good Product