Grow ‘Mahara’ in full sun and well-drained, even slightly dry, soil. It bloom most heavily in dry, hot conditions. Over-watering, even in the desert, produces more foliage and less bloom. Like all bougainvilleas, it has a root system that resents disturbance. When planting a nursery purchase, keep the rootball intact. Use this climber for masses of color walls, arbors, fences, pergolas and gates, or even climbing onto roofs and into trees. In cold climates, it may be as an annual in hanging baskets or pots.
100 in stock
Grow ‘Mahara’ in full sun and well-drained, even slightly dry, soil. It bloom most heavily in dry, hot conditions. Over-watering, even in the desert, produces more foliage and less bloom. Like all bougainvilleas, it has a root system that resents disturbance. When planting a nursery purchase, keep the rootball intact. Use this climber for masses of color walls, arbors, fences, pergolas and gates, or even climbing onto roofs and into trees. In cold climates, it may be as an annual in hanging baskets or pots.
1 review for Sit voluptatem
admin - November 22, 2016
Good Product